Chairperson: John Reide
Vice Chairperson: Robert D'Alessandro
Recording Secretary: Ivy Moreno
Corresponding Secretary: Vacant
Our next meeting is March 12.
The mission of the Parish Council is to provide a representative voice for all parish communities and thus serve as advisers to the Pastor in fulfilling the parish mission of saving souls and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Parish Council meets bimonthly (September, November, January, March, and May) and in June on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in Father Winters Hall. Meetings are open to all parishioners. Those who wish to speak at a meeting must first be recognized by the Chairperson.
Members of the Parish Council, November 2018:
Sadly Jerome "Jerry" Rubino (1929-2019, maroon shirt back row center) and "Jerry" Gerard Hahn (1941-2020, plaid shirt back row far right) and Wendyann Ocasio (1969-2021, in blue sweater , far right side) were called home to the Lord.